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Managing large DEMs

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While data can be downloaded in an ad hoc manner, if you are regularly processing DEMs, it is better to have the DEM tiles already downloaded.

Once downloaded, pre-process the tiles into GeoTIFFs, build a virtual raster for each 1:100k grid square. You can then build a virtual raster of virtual rasters!

Downloading data

Download tiles by 1:100k map area, which is 0.5 x 0.5 degree squares. Each 1:100k map area ranges from around 2GB to 6GB of data, depending on the number of 2m DEMs vs 1m DEMs, and other factors.

The Sydney basin and Blue Mountains is around 50GB all up.

For example, to request data from ELVIS for the Katoomba 1:100k map area (bounded by -33.5,150,-34,150.5), see the screenshot below, and Select All DEMs:

For reference, below are the 1:100k map areas around Sydney:


And the boundaries:

8833 Gulgong149.5-32.5-32150
8832 Mudgee149.5-33-32.5150
8831 Bathurst149.5-33.5-33150
8830 Oberon149.5-34-33.5150
8829 Taralga149.5-34.5-34150
8828 Goulburn149.5-35-34.5150
8827 Braidwood149.5-35.5-35150
8933 Merriwa150-32.5-32150.5
8932 Mt Pomany150-33-32.5150.5
8931 Wallerawang150-33.5-33150.5
8930 Katoomba150-34-33.5150.5
8929 Burragorang150-34.5-34150.5
8928 Moss Vale150-35-34.5150.5
8927 Ulladulla150-35.5-35150.5
9033 Muswellbrook150.5-32.5-32151
9032 Howes Valley150.5-33-32.5151
9031 St Albans150.5-33.5-33151
9030 Penrith150.5-34-33.5151
9029 Wollongong150.5-34.5-34151
9028 Kiama150.5-35-34.5151
9027 Jervis Bay150.5-35.5-35151
9133 Camberwell151-32.5-32151.5
9132 Cessnock151-33-32.5151.5
9131 Gosford151-33.5-33151.5
9130 Sydney151-34-33.5151.5
9129 Port Hacking151-34.5-34151.5
9233 Dungog151.5-32.5-32152
9232 Newcastle151.5-33-32.5152
9231 Lake Macquarie151.5-33.5-33152
9333 Buladelah152-32.5-32152.5
9332 Port Stephens152-33-32.5152.5
9433 Forster152.5-32.5-32153
8729 Crookwell149-34.5-34149.5
8728 Gunning149-35-34.5149.5

Pre-processing data

As of late 2023, data extracts are provided in a single zipped file with folders for each resolution (1m/2m/5m), with .TIF files in each folder. If you have data prior to late 2023 that you want to reprocess, see Pre-processing data (old) below.

Extract all files into a single folder.

These .TIF files have a file format like: Penrith201904-LID1-AHD_2806276_56_0002_0002_1m.tif

The '56' refers to the Zone. Different zones can't be mixed when creating a virtual raster, so any files with a different zone will need to be deleted or moved to another directory.

If the GDAL binaries are in your path, you can then run the following two commands in the folder at the (Windows) command line:

dir /b *.tif > input.txt
gdalbuildvrt.exe -resolution user -tr 2 2 -input_file_list input.txt area.vrt

MacOS and Linux users will need to convert these commands for their own use.

The area.vrt file is now a virtual raster of all of the other files.

It is possible to then build a larger virtual raster from the individual 1:100k virtual rasters. Note that larger rasters need to have the same projection. Also keep in mind that not all data is at 2m resolution.

Loading data

Loading up a large virtual raster into QGIS can be very slow, as can manipulating it. However, you can quickly load up a smaller section of the map using the following steps:

  • create the boundary of your desired area using the polygon tool at
  • download the polygon using the Export drawn data to GeoJSON function
  • load up the Python console (Plugins→Python Console or Ctrl+Alt+P on Windows) in QGIS
  • run the following command (replace file locations with your own - the INPUT should be your virtual raster, and the MASK should be your GeoJSON boundary polygon)
resultClip = processing.runAndLoadResults("gdal:cliprasterbymasklayer", { 'ALPHA_BAND' : False, 'CROP_TO_CUTLINE' : True, 'DATA_TYPE' : 0, 'EXTRA' : '', 'INPUT' : 'E:/geodata/8930_katoomba/area.vrt', 'KEEP_RESOLUTION' : False, 'MASK' : 'C:/Users/Downloads/data.geojson', 'MULTITHREADING' : False, 'NODATA' : None, 'OPTIONS' : '', 'OUTPUT' : 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT', 'SET_RESOLUTION' : False, 'SOURCE_CRS' : None, 'TARGET_CRS' : None, 'X_RESOLUTION' : None, 'Y_RESOLUTION' : None })

If you don't want to use Python, you can use the Clip Raster by Mask Layer tool from the Processing Toolbox.

Multiple projections

If you are trying to process data near zone boundaries, you may run into issues where the tiles are of multiple projections. Virtual rasters run into numerous issues in this scenario. Even if you translate the data from one projection to the other, you will hit issues with pixel sizes, and pixel starting points.

The best approach so far seems to be to

  • clip each raster to a modest size
  • reproject one file to the other CRS (projection)
  • merge the two files, with
    • the un-reprojected one first
    • the -tap flag set
    • and possibly the -ps flag as well

You can then use this merged raster for operations around the zone boundaries.

Pre-processing data (old)

This script was designed when the DEM files were delivered as doubly zipped .ASC files. As of late 2023, they come as .TIF files, albeit slightly larger files than the process below produced. This means that the steps below are now largely redundant. They are left in place in case people have old datasets that they want to process/reprocess. The current (2024) process is outlined above.

The following may be useful for Windows users.

Below is a Windows Powershell script that will

  • move any old DEMs and DEMs from a different zone (you can't mix zones in a virtual raster) to an archive sub-folder
  • extract the raw files from the remaining zip files
  • convert all of the .ASC files to GeoTIFF
  • move the old zip files to a current sub-folder
  • zip the current and archive sub-folders to
  • create a virtual raster (.vrt) file of all of the GeoTiffs

You will need to replace the Environment variables (Path, GDAL_PATH, GDAL_DRIVER_PATH, PROJ_LIB) in the script with your own - see the lines starting with $Env.

Usage is:

.\buildvrt.ps1 <zipFile> <targetFolder>


.\buildvrt.ps1 E:\geodata_raw\ E:\geodata\kiama

The .\ is required if you are running the script from your current directory.

# Unzip files from all subdirectories to new folder
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $zipFile -DestinationPath $targetFolder
Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder\*.zip" -Recurse | Move-Item -Destination $targetFolder
Get-ChildItem -Path $targetFolder -Directory | Remove-Item -Recurse
# Create hash of zip files, by name (location, date)
$zipFileList = @{}
Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder\*.zip" -Name | ForEach-Object {
	$zipFileList.add($_, @{}) 
	$_ -match '(\d{7})_(\d{2})'
	$zipFileList[$_]['location'] = $Matches.1
	$zipFileList[$_]['zone'] = $Matches.2
	$_ -match '[^_\d](\d{6})'
	$zipFileList[$_]['date'] = $Matches.1
# $zipFileList | ConvertTo-Json
# Create hash of location (date, name)
$locationList = @{}
$zoneCount = @{}
$zipFileList.keys | ForEach-Object {
	if($locationList[$zipFileList[$_]['location']]) {
		$t = $locationList[$zipFileList[$_]['location']]
	} else {
		$t = @{}
	if($zoneCount[$zipFileList[$_]['zone']]) {
	} else {
		$zoneCount[$zipFileList[$_]['zone']] = 1
# $locationList | ConvertTo-Json
# $zoneCount | ConvertTo-Json
# Create archive folder
$archiveFolder = "$targetFolder\archive"
If(!(test-path $archiveFolder))
      New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $archiveFolder
# Sort each location by date desc, and move old files to /archive
$locationList.keys | ForEach-Object {
	$locationList[$_].GetEnumerator() | sort key -des | ForEach-Object {
		if ($i -eq 0) {
		else {
			#$_ | ConvertTo-Json
			$s = $_.Value
			Move-Item -Path "$targetFolder\$s" -Destination "$targetFolder\archive\$s"
# You can't build a VRT with files from a different projection, so
# delete files from outside main zone
# This could probably be altered to include a step to reproject those files
$mainZone = ''
$zoneCount.GetEnumerator() | sort value -des | select -first 1 | ForEach-Object {
	$mainZone = $_.Name
$zipFileList.keys | ForEach-Object {
	if($zipFileList[$_]['zone'] -ne $mainZone) {
		Remove-Item -Path "$targetFolder\$_"
Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder\*.zip" | Expand-Archive -DestinationPath $targetFolder
$Env:Path += ";C:\OSGEO4~1\apps\Python27\Scripts;C:\OSGEO4~1\bin"
Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder\*.asc" | ForEach-Object {
	$srcFile = $_.FullName
	$destFile = $_.FullName -replace '.asc', '.tif'
	&"gdal_translate.exe" -of "GTiff" $srcFile $destFile
Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder\*.asc" | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder\*.html" | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder\*.prj" | Remove-Item -Recurse
Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder\*.xml" | Remove-Item -Recurse
# Create current folder
$currentFolder = "$targetFolder\current"
If(!(test-path $currentFolder))
      New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $currentFolder
# Move zip files to current folder
Move-Item -Path "$targetFolder\*.zip" -Destination "$currentFolder"
# Zip /archive & /current to new zip folder
Compress-Archive -Path "$targetFolder\current", "$targetFolder\archive" -DestinationPath "$targetFolder\"
# Create 2m vrt
New-Item "$targetFolder\input.txt"
Get-ChildItem -Path "$targetFolder\*.tif" | Add-Content "$targetFolder\input.txt"
&"gdalbuildvrt.exe" -resolution user -tr 2 2 -input_file_list "$targetFolder\input.txt" "$targetFolder\temp.vrt"

You can rename temp.vrt to anything you like, but it needs to stay relative to the GeoTIFF files.

It is possible to then build a larger virtual raster from the individual 1:100k virtual rasters. Note that larger rasters need to have the same projection. Also keep in mind that not all data is at 2m resolution.

nsw_dems.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/22 07:27 by bushwalking

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